Monday 3 November 2008

Master Valie Export

Aktionshose:Genitalpanik (Action Pants: Genital Panic)

"In her 1969 performance Aktionshose:Genitalpanik (Action Pants: Genital Panic), EXPORT entered a porn cinema in Munich with her hair in disarray, wearing crotchless pants, and carrying a machine gun. Striding up and down the rows of theatregoers, she brandished the weapon and challenged the male audience to engage with a "real woman" instead of with an images on a screen. Through these acts of artistic daring, EXPORT challenged the objectification of the female form by confronting voyeurs with a body that returned the gaze."

Performing at Tate Modern

Performing a FBI Agent for the piece "Spinoza in Las Vegas" of the artist Sturtevant.

Solo-Stitched (autobiographical postmodern attempt)

The Master's life and a cardboard box
A devised autobiographic theatre piece. It uses the elements of storytelling, memory, multiple narratives, performing the self and executing an action.

The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen

The Master Performing Gender Issues